Wednesday, January 30, 2019

6 Year Anniversary

This February is the 6 year anniversary of my cancer diagnosis. Many people diagnosed with colon cancer don't make 5 years. It is good to be alive in this age of improved medical drugs and procedures. If I had been diagnosed 10 years earlier I am not sure I would be here today. Hooray for science. I just hope it continues.

I feel good. My wife and I have decided that as long as I feel good we will do things, together. Who knows how long this will last.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

2 Illegal Alien Killers, 1 Sanctuary State, 200 Miles of Terror

2 Illegal Alien Killers, 1 Sanctuary State, 200 Miles of Terror

I do believe that California will collapse soon enough.

The 2020 Dem Primaries Will Be Defined By Identity Politics

The 2020 Dem Primaries Will Be Defined By Identity Politics: Three white men on top and some struggling diverse candidates.

I love this guy. He is so right so often. Enjoy.

My Name Is Bosch And I’m A Recovered Muslim

My Name Is Bosch And I’m A Recovered Muslim: From Muslim to Islam Critic and Mohammad Cartoonist.

True Islam is evil. There is no other word for what they preach and do.

I just knew it.

Men face more discrimination.

Not sure if anyone reads my blog but I somehow knew that men were being treated worse than women.

Cancer Update 2019

Coming up on 6 years since I was diagnosed. I still feel good though the rash caused by the medications I am on is constantly irritating. We took a trip for the New Year to Jackson, WY with Snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, sleigh ride to see elk herds are just a few of the activities we participated in. There were also lectures on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) and a trip to see Yellowstone National Park in winter. Had a great time.

Once upon a time I was told to "make hay while the sun shines". As long as I feel good I will keep doing things that make me happy.
